Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fair Haven Health Products - Fertialaid for woman dan man, FertilCM, Ovaboost, Mortilityboost, Countboost Review

Saya paling takut kalau di suruh makan obat hormon, saya takut gemuk dan terakhir saya makan obat hormon pas mau inseminasi itu saya hot flash. Hot flash itu perasaan panas yang tiba2 muncul dari dalam badan saya dan bikin saya keringatan.

Jadi waktu pertama kali teman rekomendasikan Ovaboost setelah saya gagal IVF ke-2 kali karena kualitas telur saya jelek, saya diskusi dengan suami. Dan ternyata suami saya sudah tahu produk ini tapi karena saya paranoid jadi dia minum sendiri yang untuk pria. 

Saya tidak jualan produk Fair Haven Health dan review ini jujur adalah hal-hal yang kami rasakan sebagai suami istri. 

Saya merasa review menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia akan terdengar vulgar karena itu saya akan menggunakan English untuk menghaluskan kata-katanya tanpa mengurangi artinya.

So, I consume this trio (Ovaboost, Fertilaid for woman and Fertil CM) for a month now. 
My husband consume a set of trio too (Fertilaid for man, Mortility Boost and Count Boost). 

How to take it:
- Fertilaid for woman 3 capsules per day (sehari 3x)
- FertilCM 3 capsules per day (sehari 3x)
- Ovaboost 4 capsules per day (4 kapsul sehari)
Note: my suggestion take Ovaboost after 9 PM because it make you feel so sleepy

- Fertilaid for man 3 capsule per day (sehari 3x)
- Mortility Boost 2 capsule per day (sehari 2 x)
- Count Boost 2 capsule per day (sehari 2 x)

I strongly suggest to take it after meal.

Where do I buy it? 
I buy it from a website Instagram Babydustid

How much they cost?
1 set for both woman and man cost IDR 2,620,000,-

What they do?
The benefit that I feel are:
- Higher libido 
- Less acidic and thicker vaginal mucous 
- Fuller breasts
- My period after consuming it was heavy not like my regular ones

For my husband:
- Higher libido
- Thicker sperm
this is what he told me and he is not really good at ilustrating things.

Who are good candidate to take it:
Couples who are struggling to have babies, couple who has vericocle, couple who has egg quality issue, PCOS patients, people who failed IVF or are suggested to go thru IVF by doctor

Side Effect:
I don't feel any side effect, I just feel that if I don't eat full enough my gastritic problem will occur again. I don't feel bloating, hot flash, hungry all the time. I don't gain weight.

I really do not want to write more about what I am experiencing, because this is not an anonymus blog, but if you want to know more, you can contact me privately and I will be very happy to tell you more the more private ones.

Have a nice day


  1. hi sist, masih konsumsi supplement ini gak ya skr? dan boleh aku tau setelah suami sist operasi varicocele, kualitas sperma ada baikan gak ya? soalnya kami juga masalah begini dan sudah ivf 2 kali namun gagal.

  2. ngobrol via email saja yuk. bisa email saya di


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